The partnership opens up access to decision-makers and promotes the development of personal contacts and exchanges.
An Approved Franchise Supplier is a verified supplier in the business community. Acceptance for listing takes place after evaluation with regard to franchise conformity and the attractiveness of the products and services. The "Approved Franchise Supplier" seal is awarded after successful evaluation and can be used in dialog and communication.
In addition, there is the possibility to participate in selected events, marketing and PR measures at reduced rates.
Award of the "Approved Franchise Supplier" quality seal
- After successful evaluation you will receive the seal
Listing / integration in business community
- Integration in industry category with individual microsite
- Online presentation of the company incl. offer and contact person
- Integration in system specific service portals
Information service to franchisors and franchisees
- Targeted e-mail communication to franchisors and franchisees (6 p. a.)
Participation in events
- Events such as the annual Franchise Expansion Day at which the top management of franchise headquarters meet to exchange information
- Serves as an intensive dialog platform with the decision makers of the systems
- Prominent positioning via sponsorships and promotion status